To explain the present meaning of “Räuchermittel”, that means incense cones and -sticks, we have to go back to cultural history. Questions like “who am I?”, “where do I come from?”, “where am I going?” have contributed to the origin of many religions. Here we get our keywords, religion, custom, rite, sacrifice, soul and so on. For those cultic acts, aids have been necessary. Smoke, that rises to heaven, was a common instrument.
The conserving properties of smoke were also recognized.
Smoke of substances like bark, herbs, flowers, resins and other parts of plants, was a sacrifice to the particulare deity, so to say as a mediator between earth and heaven by smoke. The smell of smoke played at first a secondary role. But this soon changed.
During the prechristian age the “Räucherwerk” became dominant. It surpassed even the value of gold and precious stone and was only for privileged people. The better the smell was, the higher the value.
Allow me to explain:
In Japan there are still offered incense sticks, whose prices are unbelievable high – several thousand German Marks a package, which is not bigger than a package of cigarettes. With those sticks ceremonial objects are consecreted. Ethnologists and other scientists have written many books about this development.
Now you may ask how incense cones and -sticks have come to Germany?”
Early travellers first brought the custom of smoke-sacrifice to Europe. Christianity supported the spread. The Three Wise Men, who brought gold, myrrh and incense to Christ are an example.
Today we know that in the 11th and 12th century german mineworkers from the silver mines in Erzgebirge smoked themselves and their equipment with homemade incense cones, so that they could begin their dangerous job protected by god. This custom was continued by families of the following generations.
After the Industrial Revolution incense in form of cones and sticks were produced by machines. The founder of the company, Carl Jäger, introduced this industrial production. Small tradesmen in their own small way, also spread the use and increased sales activities. Because of that incense cones became more and more popular throughout Germany. Everyone can see the development of trade if he or she has a look at the line of articles in department stores or at fairs today. Because the customer asked for other fragrances, many new types of incense cones were created like “Ambra”, “Sandalwood”, “Patchouli”, “Cinnamon”, Alpinherbs” and so on.
We have made it to our job always to create new varieties.
What was sacred and expensive for ancient kings, should now enrich all our lifes.
A skilled nose and modern technology help us to create new fragrances, that suit modern taste.
A quality incense cone fills the room with a mild, harmonious smell. The smoke of Carl Jäger – “Räucherwerk” is something exotic, tranquil and peaceful. This is what many people nowadays need to even out stress of the everyday life.
We hope, that you will find your personal prefered fragance in our line of smells.
It remains our aim to merit your trust and confidence with a convincing variety of goods.
Incense (lat. gummi olibanum)
(frz. Encense, span. Incenso)
Historical background:
An aromatical resin, whcih early played a dominant role as a sweet scenting fragrace.
Already since the third millenium before Christ, in the old assyric capital Ninive at
Tigris, incense was sacrified to the god of sun. People burned thousand Talens of
incense = 29000 kg in one year in the big temple of Babylon. At least – during the
fifth century – incense became important for the Christian Church.